3 Easy Ways to Improve Workplace Fatigue

fatigue management

If you are working in a stressful environment for eight to ten hours, it can increase the risk of extreme fatigue. Here are some great tips for fatigue management at the workplace.

Tips to improve workplace fatigue

Proper Allotment of Breaks

Long working hours can easily take a toll on your employee’s health. As the human body requires regular breaks to stay in its best form, encourage more leisure times. Rather than allocating the entire shift’s break to lunchtime, breaking them into several smaller parts can have much better outcomes. It has been found that our brain can offer highly-focused performance for 90-120 minutes at max. Afterward, the body will need to replenish the consumed energy to be able to give its best again. So, you can place a small break after every 2-3 hours.

Another thing to keep in mind while scheduling breaks is to utilize their time effectively. You will need to follow proper industry safety standards to divide break times. Similarly, try offering your workers ample opportunities to use their time productively. Including fun games or even letting them have a power nap can have wonderful results. This way, the body will be able to recharge much quicker and hence ensure better work productivity.

Enrolment of Intermediaries

Many-a-times, employers are kept in the dark regarding their employee’s health due to a lack of proper communication channels. Even more, some might also feel embarrassed or fearful while letting their boss know about their situations. This often happens in workplaces where there is a strict boss-employee relationship. Although it may be good sometimes, letting your workers know that you care can prove to be of greater benefit. This will help build trust between both parties and make sure that proper fatigue management is being followed.

According to a study, it has been proven that workers can offer enhanced productivity when working in groups rather than when alone. As everyone is able to monitor and help each other, there are higher chances of minimizing workplace fatigue. To make it even more useful, you can place trusted intermediaries in charge of each group. You can then ask them to report you or the HR department regarding the worker’s fatigue or stress levels.

Improve Workplace Features

Whilst many may think this to be something trivial, changing the work environment can prove to be highly beneficial. Many factors affect your worker’s moods in many ways. Comparably a well-lit place is bound to have more active individuals than a poorly-lit workplace. This is because exposure to bright light delays the circadian rhythm, which is responsible for the sleep-wake cycle. Thus, the individual feels fresh, active, and focused for a long time. Similarly, the positioning of the lightning is also very essential in eradicating fatigue. Light sources nearer to the eyes can cause sight issues, lead to headaches, and a constant irritation feeling. So, make sure your lighting conditions are appropriately suited for the best health quality of your worker.

Adding essential oil diffusers can also prove to be beneficial. Reportedly, clove, lemongrass, green tea essential oils are considered best for ensuring better fatigue management. You can also better manage it by taking a professional fatigue management course from KRTS Pty Ltd today!

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